The tracer.def Input File

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The tracer.def file is currently only read by the Dynamico dynamical core. It contains information on the tracers that will be advected and passed to the physics.

In a hopefully not to distant future the LMDZ dynamical core (and physics package) will likewise read information from this file. But for now they rely on the traceur.def input file.

Example of a tracer.def file

default parent=air phases=g scheme=vanleer 
h2o_vap default_init_value=0.00
h2o_ice default_init_value=0.00
  • The mandatory first line &version is there to handle (potential) versioning of these file and their format
  • The mandatory second line &dynamico is there to specify the scope of the following lines (i.e. that all that follow is relevant for dynamico)
  • The mandatory third line starting with default specifies the default attributes for all the tracers
  • Then one should specify on successive lines the tracer names and optionally their properties