The diagfi.def Input File
From Planets
The diagfi.def file is an optional file that is read by the GCM at run time. If it is present then it will dictate which fields will be included in the output file.
A clarification: generating the output file is only possible when running with the lon-lat (LMDZ.COMMON) dynamical core (or in 1D), with the Generic or Mars physics packages.
diagfi.def format
Each line of this ASCII file should contain the name (case sensitive!) of a variable to output.
Note that the variable name to use is the one set in the code when calling the writediagfi routine. e.g.
call writediagfi(ngrid,"temp","temperature","K",3,zt)
implies that the variable temp can be outputted in
Example of diagfi.def file
aire altitude ap aps ASR ASRcs beta bp bps CLF CLFt controle Declin dt_ekman1 dt_ekman2 dt_diff1 dt_diff2 DYN evap_surf_flux fluxsurf_rad GND h2o_ice h2o_ice_col h2o_ice_surf h2o_vap h2o_vap_col h2o_vap_surf H2Oice_reffcol ISR latentFlux latitude longitude Ls Lss mass_evap_col OLR OLRcs p pctsrf_sic phisinit ps RA rain reevap RH rnat sea_ice sensibFlux shad snow soildepth tau_col temp Time Tsat tsea_ice tslab1 tslab2 tsurf u v w
- If there is no diagfi.def file found at run-time, then ALL variables will be written in, which will rapidly become huge. You have been warned. Note however that it is a convenient way to have access to the names of all available variables that may be outputted in
- The rate at which the outputs are made in is set by the ecritphy parameter which is usually set in the run.def file and expressed in terms of dynamical time steps.