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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:36, 2 April 2024 Albedo vs ice thickness spectral.png (file) 227 KB SBhatnagar This plot describes how the bare sea ice albedo of the Generic-PCM changes as a function of ice thickness for the VIS (250-690 nm; dark green line) and NIR (690-4000 nm; red line) spectral bands. The curves were fit to long-term Antarctic sea ice obser... 1
19:56, 26 October 2023 Rico topography.png (file) 9 KB Martin.turbet rico topography 1
16:53, 17 October 2023 Ferret testplot coads.png (file) 107 KB Mwolff test plot for Ferret from coads climatology 1
18:21, 12 April 2023 Planetary parameters Trappist1c.png (file) 62 KB GGilli   1
17:23, 12 April 2023 Table1 aerosolVenus trappist1c.png (file) 101 KB GGilli   1
12:22, 24 January 2023 Fig3.png (file) 48 KB Aspiga   1
12:22, 24 January 2023 Fig2.png (file) 69 KB Aspiga   1
12:22, 24 January 2023 Fig1.png (file) 39 KB Aspiga   1
16:33, 19 December 2022 PEM.png (file) 218 KB Romain.vande Schema du PEM 1
08:47, 5 September 2022 Tutoriel pyvista plot5.png (file) 595 KB Martin.turbet   1
08:47, 5 September 2022 Tutoriel pyvista plot4.png (file) 581 KB Martin.turbet   1
08:47, 5 September 2022 Tutoriel pyvista plot3.png (file) 534 KB Martin.turbet   1
08:42, 5 September 2022 Tutoriel pyvista plot2.png (file) 481 KB Martin.turbet   1
08:40, 5 September 2022 Tutoriel pyvista plot1.png (file) 382 KB Martin.turbet   1
23:02, 26 July 2022 Water ice cloud column benchmark early Mars.png (file) 221 KB Martin.turbet   1
23:01, 26 July 2022 Tsurf benchmark early Mars.png (file) 479 KB Martin.turbet   1
23:00, 26 July 2022 Tsurf spacetime.png (file) 221 KB Martin.turbet updated 2
22:59, 26 July 2022 Tsurf.png (file) 479 KB Martin.turbet updated 4
13:58, 20 July 2022 Example ncview.png (file) 403 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:21, 7 April 2022 Coord-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 63 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:21, 7 April 2022 Didi-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 24 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:21, 7 April 2022 Glob-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 169 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:20, 7 April 2022 Grads-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 210 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:20, 7 April 2022 Grid-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 165 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:20, 7 April 2022 Grille-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 35 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:20, 7 April 2022 Inout-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 90 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:19, 7 April 2022 Med-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 109 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:19, 7 April 2022 Netcdf-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 233 KB Martin.turbet   1
09:19, 7 April 2022 Physique-eps-converted-to-1.png (file) 168 KB Martin.turbet   1
22:03, 6 April 2022 Example panoply.png (file) 1.52 MB Adminplanets   1
10:44, 5 April 2022 Saturn gcm2.png (file) 560 KB Adminplanets Saturn Image LMD Generic 1