LMDZ.VENUS directory layout and contents
From Planets
This page describes the directory structure of the Venus physics package and its main contents
The LMDZ.VENUS directory
Once download from the svn server, the LMDZ.VENUS directory contents should be something like:
arch create_make_gcm Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt makelmdz_fcm bld.cfg deftank Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt Tools build_gcm libf makelmdz
Where the noteworthy elements are:
- the Licence*.txt files contain the description of the CeCILL2 licence under which the code is realeased
- the libf directory which contains the Fortran source code
- the deftank directory which contains examples of model input files
- the Tools directory which contains some post-processing utilities
- note that arch, bld.cfg, build_gcm, create_make_gcm, makelmdz, makelmdz_fcm are all symbolic links to the same files in LMDZ.COMMON (in case one whishes to compile from the LMDZ.VENUS directory rather than from LMDZ.COMMON).
The libf subdirectory
The libf directory contains:
dyn3d dyn3dpar filtrez misc phyvenus dyn3d_common dynphy_lonlat grid phy_common
where all elements, except directory phyvenus are links to the same directories found in LMDZ.COMMON.
the libf/phyvenus subdirectory
The phyvenus directory contains the routines of the Venus physics package. The main routine (i.e. "driver", point of entry and exit of the physics) is physiq_mod.F
The deftank subdirectory
The Tools subdirectory