LMDZ.MARS directory layout and contents

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This page describes the directory structure of the Mars physics package and its main contents

The LMDZ.Mars directory

Once download from the svn server, the LMDZ.MARS directory contents should be something like:

changelog.txt  libf                      startfiles
datadir        Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt  user_manual.pdf
deftank        Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt  util
doc            README

Where the noteworthy elements are:

  • the user_manual.pdf document is an old (not completely obsolete) user manual for the PCM: how to compile and run the model, etc. Information in this MediaWiki supersedes what is written in that document.
  • the README text file, as one might guess, is a general description of directory contents
  • the changelog.txt text file contains some brief logs and timestamps of various changes in the code; more for advanced users interested in the detailed evolution of the code.
  • the libf directory which contains the Fortran source code (see dedicated section below)
  • the util directory which contains some post-processing tools (see dedicated section below).
  • the deftank directory which contains examples of model input files (see dedicated section below).
  • the datadir directory which hints to the fact that the model needs some companion input files to run and contains a README describing where to get these
  • the startfiles directory which hints to the fact that the model needs some start files to run and contains a README describing where to get these

The libf subdirectory

The libf directory contains tree subdirectories

aeronomars  dynphy_lonlat  phymars
  • The main physics package code is in phymars, with aeronomy routines in the companion aeronomars directory
  • the dynphy_lonlat directory merely contains a phymars subdirectory (this structure follows what is done in LMDZ.COMMON to ease physics-dynamics interface management). It is in the dynphy_lonlat/phymars directory that utilities main programs newstart, start2archive and xvik are located, along with physics-dynamics interface routines.

The deftank subdirectory


The util subdirectory