Convective adjustment scheme in the generic PCM

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IMPORTANT: This page concerns the convadj routine in the Generic physics package (by the way the latest version may be checked here on the trac:

Overview of the convadj routine

The dry convective adjustment is simply a scheme which accounts for the fact that a thermally unstable profile will rapidly be mixed by unresolved (sub-grid-scale) vertical motion and brought back to being stable. This process will not only affect the temperature of the parcel but also winds (as the convective motion also transports momentum).

Description of assumptions and computations

  • Estimation of whether a profile is thermally unstable is done by checking the sign of the vertical gradient of potential temperature $$\partial \theta / \partial z$$ (negative when unstable)
  • Unstable regions are brought back to being adiabatic, i.e. such that : $$\partial \theta / \partial z = 0$$
  • based on the "intensity" of the instability, estimated from the relative enthaply exchange necessary to restore the adiabaticity of the profile, related momentum mixing is evaluated and converted to tendencies on the horizontal winds of the air parcel. This momentum transfert evaluation is also used to estimate tracer transfert.


See Hourdin et al. JAS 1993;2