The DYNAMICO dynamical core
What is DYNAMICO ?
DYNAMICO is a recent dynamical core for atmospheric general circulation models (GCM). It is based on an icosahedral hexagonal grid projected on the sphere, a hybrid pressure-based terrain-following vertical coordinate, second-order enstrophy-conserving finite-difference discretization and positive-definite advection.
DYNAMICO is coded in Fortran and meant to be used in a massively parallel environment (using MPI and OpenMP) and has been coupled to a number of physics packages, such as the Earth LMDZ6 physics package (see ; search there for the keyword DYNAMICO to get some related documentation) but also the planetary version of the Mars, Venus or Generic Planetary Climate Models (PCM).
The DYNAMICO source code is freely available and downloadable using git
git clone
The DYNAMICO project page (be warned that information there is somewhat obsolete and related to earlier version, now obsolete, on svn) can be found at
Installing and running DYNAMICO
Here we just describe how to compile and run DYNAMICO by itself, i.e. without being coupled to any physics. This is essentially done as an exercise to check that it has been correctly installed, before moving on to the more complex (and complete!) case of compiling and running with a given physics package