Using Irene Rome

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This page provides a summary of examples and tools designed to help you get used with the Irene Rome environment.

Example of a job to run a GCM simulation

# Partition to run on:
#MSUB -q rome
# project to run on 
#MSUB -A  gen10391
# disks to use
#MSUB -m  scratch,work,store
# Job name
#MSUB -r run_gcm
# Job standard output:
#MSUB -o run_gcm.%I
# Job standard error:
#MSUB -e run_gcm.%I
# number of OpenMP threads c
#MSUB -c 2
# number of MPI tasks n
#MSUB -n 16
# number of nodes to use N
#MSUB -N 1
# max job run time T (in seconds)
#MSUB -T 3600
# request exculsive use of the node (128 cores)
##MSUB -x

source ../trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/arch.env

ccc_mprun -l gcm_32x32x15_phystd_para.e > gcm.out 2>&1