Other GCM Configurations worth knowing about

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3D lon-lat LMDZ setup

early Mars

It is already described in the Quick Install and Run section.

Earth with slab ocean

TBD by Martin

TRAPPIST-1e with photochemistry

A temperate rocky planet in synchronous rotation around a low mass star

TBD by Yassin

TRAPPIST-1c in Venus-like conditions

A warm rocky planet in synchronous rotation around a low mass star

TBD by Gabriella

mini-Neptune GJ1214b

A warm mini-Neptune

TBD by Benjamin


Due to the rich dynamical activities in their atmospheres (banded zonal jets, eddies, vortices, storms, equatorial oscillations,...) resulting from multi-scale dynamic interactions, the Global Climate Modelling of the giant planet requires to resolve eddies arising from hydrodynamical instabilities to correctly establish the planetary-scaled jets regime. To this purpose, their Rossby radius deformation $$L_D$$, which is the length scale at which rotational effects become as important as buoyancy or gravity wave effects in the evolution of the flow about some disturbance, is calculated to determine the most suitable horizontal grid resolution. At mid-latitude range, for the giant planets, $$L_D$$ is of the same order of magnitude as that of the Earth. As the giant planets have a size of roughly 10 times the Earth size (i.e., Jupiter and Saturn), the modelling grid must be of a horizontal resolution of 0.5$$^{\circ}$$ over longitude and latitude (vs 5$$^{\circ}$$ for the Earth), considering 3 grid points to resolved $$L_D$$. Moreover, to have a chance to model the equatorial oscillation, meridional cell circulations and/or a seasonal inter-hemispheric circulation, a giant planet GCM must also include a high vertical resolution. Indeed, these climate phenomena have been studied for decades for the Earth's atmosphere, and result from small- and large-scale interactions between the troposphere and stratosphere. This implies that the propagation of dynamic instabilities, waves and turbulence should be resolved as far as possible along the vertical. Finally, these atmospheres are cold, with long radiative response time which needs radiative transfer computations over decade-long years of Jupiter ($$\approx$$ 12 Earth years), Saturn ($$\approx$$ 30 Earth years), Uranus ($$\approx$$ 84 earth years) or Neptune($$\approx$$ 169 Earth years), depending on the chosen planet.

To be able to deal with these three -- and non-exhaustive -- requirements to build a giant planet GCM, we need massive computational ressources. For this, we use a dynamical core suitable and numerical stable for massive parallel ressource computations: DYNAMICO [Dubos et al,. 2015].

In these two following subsections, we purpose an example of installation for Jupiter and a Hot Jupiter. All the install, compiling, setting and parameters files for each giant planets could be found on: https://github.com/aymeric-spiga/dynamico-giant

If you have already downloaded LMDZ.COMMON, LMDZ.GENERIC, IOIPSL, ARCH, you only have to download:

ICOSAGCM: the DYNAMICO dynamical core

git clone https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/ipsl/projets/dynamico/dynamico.git ICOSAGCM
git checkout 90f7138a60ebd3644fbbc42bc9dfa22923386385

ICOSA_LMDZ: the interface using to link LMDZ.GENERIC physical packages and ICOSAGCM

svn update -r 2655 -q ICOSA_LMDZ

XIOS (XML Input Output Server): the library to interpolate input/output fields between the icosahedral and longitude/latitude regular grids on fly

svn co -r 2319 -q http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver/svn/XIOS/trunk XIOS

If you haven't already download LMDZ.COMMON, LMDZ.GENERIC, IOIPSL, ARCH, you can use the install.sh script provided by the Github repository.

Jupiter with DYNAMICO

TBD by Deborah

Hot Jupiter with DYNAMICO

TBD by Lucas

3D LES setup

Proxima b with LES

TBD by Maxence

1D setup

rcm1d test case

Our 1-D forward model

TBD by Gwenael ?

kcm1d test case

Our 1-D inverse model

TBD by Guillaume or Martin