The run icosa.def Input File

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    1. mpi_threading_mode=serialized
  1. mpi_threading_mode=funneled
  1. halo_i=0
  2. halo_j=1
  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --------------------------------------- Mesh ----------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. Number of subdivision on a main triangle (nbp) : integer (default=40)

nbp = 160

  1. nbp = 40
  1. nbp 20 40 80 160
  2. T-edge length (km) 500 250 120 60
    1. sub splitting of main rhombus : integer (default=1)
  1. nsplit_i=1
  2. nsplit_j=1
  3. omp_level_size=1
    1. There must be less MPIxOpenMP processes than the 10 x nsplit_i x nsplit_j tiles
    2. typically for pure MPI runs, let nproc = 10 x nsplit_i x nsplit_j
    3. it is better to have nbp/split >~ 10
    4. 2 procs
  4. nsplit_i = 1
  5. nsplit_j = 1
    1. 40 procs
  6. nsplit_i = 2
  7. nsplit_j = 2
        1. 40 noeuds de 24 processeurs = 960 procs
  8. nsplit_i = 8
  9. nsplit_j = 12
        1. 30 noeuds de 24 processeurs = 720 procs
  10. nsplit_i = 8
  11. nsplit_j = 9
        1. 20 noeuds de 24 processeurs = 480 procs

nsplit_i = 8 nsplit_j = 6

  1. Number of vertical layer (llm) : integer (default=19)

llm = 64

  1. disvert : vertical discretisation : string (default='std') : std, ncar, ncar30l


  1. optim_it : mesh optimisation : number of iteration : integer (default=0)
  2. optim_it = 1000

optim_it = 0

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --------------------------------------- Time ----------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1. scheme type : string ( default='runge_kutta') euler, leapfrog_matsuno, runge_kutta )
  1. scheme = runge_kutta leapfrog_matsuno
    1. matsuno period : integer ( default=5)
  1. matsuno_period = 5
  1. number of dynamical time step per day

day_step = 80

  1. advection called every itau_adv time steps : integer (default 2)
  2. standard : umax=100m/s vs c=340m/s (ratio 1:3)
  3. in JW06 umax=35m/s vs c=340m/s (ratio 1:10)


  1. number of days to run (substitute run_length) !!!!

ndays = 5

    1. activate IO (default = true)
  1. enable_io = false
    1. output with XIOS (only if compiled with XIOS): true/false (default true)
  1. xios_output=false
  1. output field period (only when not using XIOS) : integer (default none)
  2. write_period=7200
  3. write_period=14400
  4. write_period=118.9125

write_period = 446.75

  1. itau_write_etat0=380520
  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -------------------------------------- Misc -----------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. number of tracer (nqtot) : integer (default 1)


  1. pression value where output is interpolated : real (default=0, no output)


  1. etat0 : initial state : string (default=jablonowsky06) :
  2. jablonowsky06, academic, ncar

etat0=start_file etat0_start_file_colocated=false

    1. -- to cross the 2y limit
  1. etat0_start_iteration=0
  2. run_length=38052
  1. etat0=isothermal
  2. etat0_isothermal_temp=175
  1. start file name (default is
  2. restart file name (default is

start_file_name=start_icosa restart_file_name=restart_icosa

      1. to run a one-day simulation
      2. using a ASCII profile
      3. to create start files
  1. etat0=temperature_profile
  2. temperature_profile_file=temp_profile.txt

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ----------------------------------- Dynamics ----------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. caldyn : computation type for gcm equation : string (default=gcm) : gcm, adv


  1. caldyn_conserv : string (default=energy) : energy,enstrophy


  1. caldyn_exner : scheme for computing Exner function : string (default=direct) : direct,lmdz


  1. caldyn_hydrostat : scheme for computing geopotential : string (default=direct) : direct,lmdz


  1. guided_type : string (default=none) : none, ncar


  1. Sponge layer
      1. iflag_sponge=0 for no sponge
      2. iflag_sponge=1 for sponge over 4 topmost layers
      3. iflag_sponge=2 for sponge from top to ~1% of top layer pressure
      4. tau_sponge --> damping frequency at last layer
      5. e-5 medium / e-4 strong yet reasonable / e-3 very strong
      6. mode_sponge=1 for u,v --> 0
      7. mode_sponge=2 for u,v --> zonal mean (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
      8. mode_sponge=3 for u,v,h --> zonal mean (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
  2. iflag_sponge = 1

iflag_sponge = 0

  1. tau_sponge = 1.e-4
  2. mode_sponge = 1

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ---------------------------------- Dissipation --------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. dissipation time graddiv : real (default=5000)

tau_graddiv = 10000

  1. number of iteration for graddiv : integer (default=1)

nitergdiv = 2

  1. dissipation time nxgradrot (default=5000)

tau_gradrot = 10000

  1. number of iteration for nxgradrot : integer (default=1)


  1. dissipation time divgrad (theta) (default=5000)

tau_divgrad= 10000

  1. number of iteration for divgrad : integer (default=1)


  1. Rayleigh friction : string (default=none) :
  2. none, dcmip2_schaer_noshear, dcmip2_schaer_shear, giant_liu_schneider

rayleigh_friction_type = giant_liu_schneider rayleigh_limlat = 16. rayleigh_friction_tau = 8640000.

  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ------------------------------------- Physics ---------------------------------------
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1. (itau_physics=160)*(dt=111.6875) --> half a jupiter day as physical timestep
  2. ---- for some reason (day consistency, physical timestep must be less a day)
  3. ---- change also in run.def
  4. itau_physics = 160

itau_physics = 40

  1. kind of physics : string : none, dcmip (default=none)


    1. testcase physics for dcmip : INTEGER : 1, 2 (default=1)
  1. dcmip_physics=1
  1. ---------------------- parameters for NCAR test cases -------------------------
  1. NCAR advection test, initial tracer : string ( default='cos_bell')
  2. const, slotted_cyl, cos_bell, dbl_cos_bell_q1, dbl_cos_bell_q2, complement, hadley


  1. NCAR advection test, wind field : string (default='deform') : solid, deform, hadley


  1. ncar_T0 : reference temperature for NCAR test cases : real (default=300)
  2. also used by disvert if disvert=ncar


  1. ncar_p0 : reference pressure for NCAR test cases : real (default=1e5)
  2. also used by disvert if disvert=ncar


  1. ncar_disvert_c : exponent for B(eta) : integer (default=1)
  2. used by disvert if disvert=ncar


  1. dcmip 4 testcase : integer (default=1) : 1, 2


  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------