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Revision as of 14:33, 22 March 2023 by Evos (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1D PEM (under develpoment) Run the 1D GCM for two years and then split the output to different years. For example, I will take the output called diagfi.nc and will divide so...")
1D PEM (under develpoment)
Run the 1D GCM for two years and then split the output to different years. For example, I will take the output called diagfi.nc and will divide some variables (co2ice, h2o_ics_s ...) from it into 2 years.
ncks -v co2ice,h2o_ice_s,ps,tsurf -d Time,1,32111 diagfi.nc diagfi1.nc ncks -v co2ice,h2o_ice_s,ps,tsurf -d Time,32112,64223 diagfi.nc diagfi2.nc