Tool Box Venus PCM

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Revision as of 10:23, 14 August 2024 by Rcapron (talk | contribs) (Main programs (other than GCM) but included in the Venus PCM package)

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Post-processing tools provided with the Venus PCM

First and foremost there are a number of postprocessing utilities (self-standing tools) which can be found in the UTIL and LMDZ.VENUS/Tools directories. Secondly one has some extra main programs in the dynamics-physics interface.


In the top-level UTIL directory can be found some utilities for post-processing Venus PCM outputs such as:

  • zrecast : a utility to vertically interpolate PCM outputs (which are on the native hybrid sigma-pressure vertical coordinate) onto pressure or altitude levels. An example of a compiling script, compile, to compile zrecast is also provided; to be adapted to your local settings.
  • ... To be completed ...


This subdirectory contains the following utilities (check out the README file present in that directory for additional information):

  • angmom : to compute angular momentum and torque components
  • energy : to compute specific and integarted potential and kinetic energy
  • fft : to compute the Fourier decomposition
  • localtime_mean_and_std : to interpolate variables at the same local time everywhere
  • psi : to compute the streamfunction
  • stability: to compute stability, Richardson number and distance to cyclostrophic equilibrium
  • tem : to compute TransEulerianMean variables
  • tmc : to compute angular momentum transport from high-frequency outputs

The startarchive2icosa subdirectory contains some programs and instructions (see the README there) to generate a DYNAMICO-Venus set of start files from a lon-lat file

Main programs (other than GCM) but included in the Venus PCM package

There are a few other main programs that are included with the GCM.

Advanced stuff: these main programs are located under LMDZ.VENUS/libf/dynphy_lonlat/phyvenus/ as they are at the interface between lon-lat dynamics and the Venus physics package


This program collects multiple and files from a series simulations and store them in a file. For this one simply needs to run the startarchive program in the directory. It will automatically fetch and files and generate If a file is already present then the current and files are added to the file (which can contain multiple initial states, as long as they are on the same grid and correspond to different dates.

The startarchive program should be compiled at the same resolution as the gcm which produced the start files, using the makelmdz_fcm compilation script


This program is to:

  • extract (and interpolate) and files from a file or from a pair of and files. The subtle difference between the two setup is that grid interpolation (horizontal and/or vertical) is only possible if using a input file
  • modify values and fields contained in the initial condition file
  • Compiling newstart is done using the makelmdz_fcm utility. The program is then meant to be run interactively with the user providing options and choices when prompted.
  • Once the program has run and finished without error, it will generate and


In a nutshell, this program allows us to convert a coming from Venus LMDZ simulation startfiles, into a and files, usable to begin a Venus - DYNAMICO simulation. You can find it here : /your/path/LMDZ.VENUS/Tools/startarchive2icosa/

Every step is well explained in the REAMDE file contained in the same directory.

The rcm1d 1D column program

The source code is located under LMDZ.VENUS/libf/phyvenus/dyn1d

... Compilation...