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== Technical aspects ==
== Technical aspects ==
The slab ocean model is activated in callphys.def with:
The slab ocean model is activated in callphys.def with:
ok_slab_ocean = .true.
ok_slab_ocean = .true.
# sea-ice
ok_slab_sic  = .false.
The sea ice model is activated in callphys.def with:
# heat transport
ok_slab_sic  = .true.
ok_slab_heat_transp  = .false.  ....
The horizontal heat transport is activated in callphys.def with:
ok_slab_heat_transp  = .true.
The horizontal heat transport cannot be activated in parallel at the moment.
Values of A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ and A$$^{min}_{ice}$$ are fixed in slab_ice_h.F90
Values of A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ and A$$^{min}_{ice}$$ are fixed in slab_ice_h.F90

Revision as of 10:26, 11 May 2022

The slab ocean model is from Codron [2012]. This model uses the same horizontal grid as the GCM and is composed of two layers. The first layer (50 m depth) represents the surface mixed layer, where the exchanges with the atmosphere take place. The second layer (150 m depth) represents the deep ocean. The transport of heat by the ocean circulation is given by two components. First, the impact of subgrid-scale eddies is represented by horizontal diffusion, with a uniform diffusivity in both layers. Then, the mean wind-driven circulation is computed by calculating the Ekman mass fluxes in the surface layer from the surface wind stress and taking an opposite return flow at depth. These mass fluxes are then used to advect the ocean temperature horizontally. In the case of divergent horizontal mass fluxes, the upwelling or downwelling mass flux is obtained by continuity. This simplified model reproduces the global meridional oceanic heat transport quite closely compared to a full GCM, both for actual Earth and for a simulated global ocean case [Marshall et al., 2007].

The oceanic model also computes the formation of oceanic ice. Sea ice forms when the ocean temperature falls below –1.8°C and melts when its temperature rises above freezing. The changes in ice extent and thickness are computed based on energy conservation, keeping the ocean temperature at –1.8°C as long as ice is present. A layer of snow can be present above the ice. The surface albedo is then that of snow, or for bare ice: A = A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ – (A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ – A$$^{min}_{ice}$$ ) exp(–h$$_{ice}$$/h$$^0_{ice}$$) with A the albedo, A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ = 0.65 the maximal albedo, A$$^{min}_{ice}$$ =0.2 the minimal albedo, hice the ice thickness (in m) and h$$^0_{ice}$$ = 0.5 m. The albedo over the ice-free ocean is taken to be equal to 0.07. The value for the maximal sea ice albedo we used (i.e., 0.65) is classical for GCMs.

Technical aspects

The slab ocean model is activated in callphys.def with:

ok_slab_ocean = .true.

The sea ice model is activated in callphys.def with: ok_slab_sic = .true.

The horizontal heat transport is activated in callphys.def with: ok_slab_heat_transp = .true. The horizontal heat transport cannot be activated in parallel at the moment.

Values of A$$^{max}_{ice}$$ and A$$^{min}_{ice}$$ are fixed in slab_ice_h.F90