Difference between revisions of "Installing Mars mesoscale model on spirit"
(→Troubleshooting (in case this happens to you)) |
Line 112: | Line 112: | ||
<syntaxhighlight lang="Bash"> | <syntaxhighlight lang="Bash"> | ||
./mini_startbase.sh | ./mini_startbase.sh | ||
+ | </syntaxhighlight> | ||
+ | |||
+ | A different option is to fix the problem directly in the meso_install.sh script, by adding this line (anywhere below the definition of $refrepo ) | ||
+ | <syntaxhighlight lang="Bash"> | ||
+ | declare -x PATH=$refrepo/code/LMDZ.COMMON/FCM_V1.2/bin/:$PATH | ||
</syntaxhighlight> | </syntaxhighlight> | ||
Latest revision as of 23:11, 10 February 2025
Set up environment
Option 1
Add this in your ~/.bashrc then source the file
module purge
module load intel/2021.4.0
module load intel-mkl/2020.4.304
module load openmpi/4.0.7
module load hdf5/1.10.7-mpi
module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.3-mpi
module load netcdf-c/4.7.4-mpi
declare -x WHERE_MPI=/net/nfs/tools/u20/22.3/PrgEnv/intel/linux-ubuntu20.04-zen2/openmpi/4.0.7-intel-2021.4.0-43fdcnab3ydwu7ycrplnzlp6xieusuz7/bin/
declare -x NETCDF=/scratchu/spiga/les_mars_project_spirit/netcdf_hacks/SPIRIT
declare -x NCDFLIB=$NETCDF/lib
declare -x NCDFINC=$NETCDF/include
Do not forget to declare the local directory in PATH by adding this to your ~/.bashrc
declare -x PATH=./:$PATH
It is necessary to unlimit the stacksize to avoit unwanted segmentation faults by adding this to your ~/.bashrc
ulimit -s unlimited
In the end, source the .bashrc file!
Option 2
If you prefer to not modify your .bashrc file, you should instead put all the lines in a "mesoscale.env" file and add a
source mesoscale.env
at the beginning of the meso_install.sh script.
Note that you will still need to have "." in your PATH and unlimited stacksize. So you will definitely need to have:
declare -x PATH=./:$PATH
ulimit -s unlimited
in your .bashrc file
Extra technical details
- WRF needs a NETCDF environment variable where everything is in the same dir (Fortran and C stuff). If this is not available one needs to create a uniquer dire with links to all the C and Fortran stuff. NCDFLIB and NCDFINC are for the physics.
- WHERE_MPI env variable is used by some scripts to make sure we use the right one
Set up the installer
Go to your 'data' directory (cd /homedata/_MY_LOGIN_ or cd /data/_MY_LOGIN_) and download the installer with the following command
svn co https://svn.lmd.jussieu.fr/Planeto/trunk/MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SIMU
Make sure the installer can be executed
chmod 755 SIMU/meso_install.sh
Make a link (e.g. where you are, in the parent directory of /data) to the main script in this SIMU directory
ln -sf SIMU/meso_install.sh .
Run the installer with a simple display of possible options
./meso_install.sh -h
Install the code
Update to the latest version of installer
svn update
chmod 755 meso_install.sh
cd ..
Run the installer by providing a name for your specific directory
Important: This will only work if you have access (i.e. an account) to the IN2P3 Gitlab project "La communauté des modèles atmosphériques planétaires" AND if you have added your personal ssh key there. Otherwise proceed as indicated below.
Special case: In case you do not have a gitlab account, ask for an archive (tar.gz) of the code. Let us assume the name is git-trunk-mesoscale-compile-run-spirit.tar.gz and the file is in the current directory (for instance in /homedata/_MY_LOGIN_) then run the installer with the following command
./meso_install.sh -n DESCRIBE_YOUR_RESEARCH_PROJECT -a git-trunk-mesoscale-compile-run-spirit
Troubleshooting (in case this happens to you)
If GCM compilation fails with error message "Can't locate Fcm/Config.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Fcm::Config module)", this is because "." is in your PATH before "FCM_V1.2/bin". You can fix it by either adapting the PATH in the environment file by adding
or by removing the symbolic link to "fcm" in "/homedata/_MY_LOGIN_/DESCRIBE_YOUR_RESEARCH_PROJECT/code/LMDZ.COMMON/".
Once you have fixed the problem you can recompile the GCM (which had failed previously) by doing:
and recreate start files from a sample start_archive.nc by doing (in subdirectory gcm/newstart)
A different option is to fix the problem directly in the meso_install.sh script, by adding this line (anywhere below the definition of $refrepo )
declare -x PATH=$refrepo/code/LMDZ.COMMON/FCM_V1.2/bin/:$PATH
Extra technical stuff
- in meso_install.sh is hard coded the git tag of the version that will be installed e.g. version="tags/mesoscale-compile-run_MESOIPSL_exploration". the tags point to specific versions which have been tested and are thus reference. e.g. mesoscale_compile-run_MESOIPSL on the git-trunk
- To recompile WRF (see "readme" file)
makemeso -p mars_lmd_new
To recompile WRF in debug mode:
makemeso -p mars_lmd_new -g
The compilation script (and options) is in MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SRC/WRFV2/mars_lmd_new/makegcm_mpifort for physics And in MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/makemeso for WRF
Run the full workflow GCM + initialization + mesoscale model
Have a look in the script named launch just for info or to change the number of processors or the step at which you start. Send the launch job to the cluster by typing (note that you can change the number of core to run with in the header of the script, e.g. #SBATCH --ntasks=24 to use 24 cores, but this doesn't work for now...)
sbatch launch
IMPORTANT: if you have used "Option 2" in the setup/environment, i.e. creating a dedicated "mesoscale.env" file, then you should source it in the "launch" script with something of the likes of:
source ../mesoscale.env
You can check the status of the run by typing
squeue -u $USER
Extra technical stuff
- The namelist.input file contains inputs for WRF. One can change output rate by specifying "history_interval_s" in seconds (instead of "history_interval"), e.g. set to the timestep for an output at every step to debug.
- to run in hydrostatic mode: it is a parameter for "&dynamics" namelist
- Note that the full list of options for namelist.in can be found in "SIMU/namelist.input_full"
A more detailed run
The best is probably to use a more complete startbase than the minimal one that was created. For instance, to get a more complete startbase, link 'data_gcm' to point towards '/data/spiga/2021_STARTBASES_rev2460/MY35'
To use the tyler cap setting in namelist.wps, download the tylerall archive here 'https://web.lmd.jussieu.fr/~aslmd/mesoscale_model/data_static/' and extract the content in the folder named data_static