WhatIs: The install lmdz.sh script

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The install_lmdz.sh script is a Bash script that aims at being an "installer" for LMDZ of Linux machines.

In practice it runs a succession of mandatory steps to install and run the model from scratch, namely:

  • Download and install required libraries (NetCDF, IOIPSL and possibly XIOS)
  • Download the source code (LMDZ and ORCHIDEE), compile it and run a test (bench) simulation

It has many options and features; a good starting point (short of reading and digesting the Bash script itself) is to run install_lmdz.sh -h to learn about these, which should yield something like:

    ./install_lmdz.sh [ -v version ] [ -r svn_release ]
           [ -parallel PARA ] [ -d GRID_RESOLUTION ] [ -bench 0/1 ]
           [-name LOCAL_MODEL_NAME] [-gprof] [-opt_makelmdz] [-rad RADIATIF]

    -v       "version" like 20150828.trunk
             see http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/~lmdz/Distrib/LISMOI.trunk

    -r       "svn_release" : either the svn release number or "last"
    -compiler gfortran|ifort|pgf90 (default: gfortran)

    -parallel PARA : can be mpi_omp (mpi with openMP) or none (for sequential)

    -d        GRID_RESOLUTION should be among the available benchs if -bench 1
              among which : 48x36x19, 48x36x39
              if wanting to run a bench simulation in addition to compilation
              default : 48x36x19

    -bench     activating the bench or not (0/1). Default 1

    -name      LOCAL_MODEL_NAME : default = LMDZversion.release

    -netcdf    PATH : full path to an existing installed NetCDF library
               (without -netcdf: also download and install the NetCDF library)  
    -xios      also download and compile the XIOS library
               (requires the NetCDF4-HDF5 library, also installed by default)
               (requires to also have -parallel mpi_omp)

    -gprof     to compile with -pg to enable profiling with gprof

    -cosp      to run without our with cospv1 or cospv2 [none/v1/v2]
    -rad RADIATIF can be old, rrtm or ecrad radiatif code

    -nofcm     to compile without fcm

    -SCM        install 1D version automatically

    -debug      compile everything in debug mode

    -opt_makelmdz     to call makelmdz or makelmdz_fcm with additional options

    -physiq    to choose which physics package to use

    -env_file  specify an arch.env file to overwrite the existing one

    -veget surface model to run [NONE/CMIP6/xxxx]

Note that the install_lmdz.sh script is not the only way to install LMDZ; one can manually do the various key steps (quite possibly adapted to the specificities of the machine that is used).
