WhatIs: The Bands *.dat file
What is the Bands_*.dat file produced by LMDZ at run-time
When it is run in parallel (using MPI), LMDZ looks for a file in the current directory that is called "Bands_IIMxJJMxLLMxN.dat", where IIM,JJM,LLM are the model's horizontal and vertical resolution (same as when compiling) and N is the number of MPI processes to use.
If there is no "Bands_IIMxJJMxLLMxN.dat", then a default one is created at run-time.
Content of the "Bands_IIMxJJMxLLMxN.dat" file:
It consists of 4 sections of 2 columns each: the first column contains the MPI process number and the second the number of latitude bands (or columns, for section 4) that are assigned to it. The first section is relative to computations in the dynamics, the second to tracer advection (in the dynamics), the third to dissipation (also in the dynamics) and the fourth to physics.