Some pointers about standalone installation of LMDZ

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This page is mostly for "do-it-yourself" people interested in installing LMDZ6


In the most minimal case, where one would only run the serial version of the GCM, then the prerequisites are:

  1. Have a Fortran compiler at hand
  2. Have a NetCDF library (compiled with the same compiler) available (see this page for more about installing NetCDF)
  3. Have the IOIPSL library available (see this page for more about installing IOIPSL)

In a more realistic case, you'll probably want to run the parallel version of the GCM, most likely with XIOS; The prerequisites are then:

  1. Have a Fortran-enabled MPI library at hand (see this page for more about installing MPI)
  2. A NetCDF4-HDF5 library, preferably compiled with MPI enabled
  3. Have the IOIPSL library available
  4. Have the XIOS library available (see this page for more about installing XIOS)

Downloading LMDZ6 source code

This is easily done using svn (subversion). To download the latest version from the trunk as an "LMDZ6" directory:

svn checkout LMDZ6

Note that the recommended way to proceed is to have all models and libraries at the same level in a master directory, so a working example would be where the master directory contents would be:


To compile LMDZ one would then proceed to the LMDZ6 subdirectory, make some adequate architecture files (if needed) and use the script
